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Transitioning 3D Slicer to QSS Styling
Key Investigators
- Sam Horvath (Kitware)
- J-Christophe Fillion-Robin (Kitware)
- Connor Bowley (Kitware)
- Andras Lasso (Queens)
- Steve Pieper (Isomics)
- Thibault Pelletier
Project Description
Currently 3D Slicer support both QStyle based styling and QtStylesheets. To improve custom apps and user experience, we woud like to move all styling to QSS.
- Allow users to modify theme colors / add new themes
- Support the existing Slicer Dark / Light themes through QSS
Approach and Plan
- Create QSS files for the existing Slicer Dark / Light themes
- Integrate qt-material package to support Material styles through python
- Create a SlicerThemes (?) extension which pulls in qt-material and add glue code
Progress and Next Steps
- Forked qt-material to address Slicer specific Python interface.
- Created SlicerThemes extension
- Manages installation of Slicer-specific version of qt-material
- Allows for saving and loading of custom color theme files
- Provides QSS templates for styles
- Created QSS templates for “Classic” and “Material” Slicer themes
- These are still WIP
- Next steps
- Allowing for loading of user provided templates in the extension
- Compile list of changes to core code (ctk and Slicer) to allow styles to be set correctly from QSS
Core code changes TBD
- ctkConsole needs tweaks to respect QSS property settings for console colors
- Slice controllers needs work to prevent icons from disappearing
- Icon sets should be updated to a Material style
Initial work
qt-material package out of the box w / light blue theme

qt-material package with some manual tweaks to theme file

Project week results

Background and References
- Discourse post
- qt-material