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NCI Imaging Data Commons - user support and platform development

Key Investigators

Presenter location: In-person

Project Description

NCI Imaging Data Commons is a cloud-based environment containing publicly available cancer imaging data co-located with analysis and exploration tools and resources.

IDC provides a growing amount of publicly available cancer imaging data (>65TB at the moment, radiology and digital pathology, including images, annotations, analysis results and clinical data) curated in the cloud to support highly efficient access and to simplify analysis.


  1. Raise awareness about IDC, help users, collect feedback to help prioritize future development.
  2. Identify robust AI models that can be applied to IDC data to enrich IDC with annotations.
  3. Work on various issues related to the development of IDC platform and related software tools.

Approach and Plan

  1. Interact with current and prospective users to answer questions and collect feedback.
  2. Support any project that has a need for public datasets available for testing, cloud-based notebook implementations of the analysis, scaling up analysis to large cohorts within IDC.
  3. Work on priority aspects of the project: maintenance and improvement of SlicerIDCBrowser and idc-index, improvements of the documentation and other learning materials
  4. Improve/simplify access to the NLST/TotalSegmentator analysis results.
  5. Work on maintenance of dcmqi priority issues: https://github.com/QIICR/dcmqi/issues/489, python wrapper API
  6. MRTotalsegmenator SCT codes - Andras
  7. DCMTK upgrade in Slicer - JC

Progress and Next Steps

  1. Describe specific steps you have actually done.


Summary of IDC content as of data release v18

Background and References