Welcome to the web page for the 38th Project Week!
This event will take place from January 30 to February 3rd, 2023 in Gran Canaria, Spain.
- Project Week 38 will be a hybrid event with a strong in-person component for the first time since 2020.
- The venue for in-person events is Hotel Cristina, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria (Spain).
- A block of rooms at Hotel Cristina is being held for PW attendees
- To make reservations use code NAMIC23 in email to grupos.mice@dreamplacehotels.com
- 40 rooms are being held for us at the rate of 108€ (single) and 135€ (double) until the end of November
- Please register as early as possible, indicating whether you plan on participating in person. It will greatly help the organizing committee to estimate the number of participants we need to accommodate in Las Palmas. Registration fees for in-person attendees will be determined and collected later using a separate form by the local organizing team.
For those attending virtually: there will be no registration fee, and zoom/discord links will be provided during preparation meetings.
For those attending in person: a registration fee of 400 Euros will be charged to cover for the workshop venue, lunch and coffee breaks. Use this form to register your payment. Please do so by Tuesday, Jan 17th 2023, as we need to estimate the number of participants to finalize the booking of the room.
If you have any questions, you can contact the organizers.
Before Project Week
- Register here, it is free!
If you plan to attend in person, register you workshop fee of 400 Euros here.
- Attend one or more preparation meetings to present a project you intend to work on at PW, for which you are seeking collaborators or to join one of the projects proposed by others.
- Join the Discord server that will be used to communicate with your team during Project Week. Go to this page for more info on the use of Discord during PW.
- Consider joining the MONAI Label Workshop that will take place January 25th (the week before Project Week).
Preparation meetings
We hold weekly preparation meetings at 10am on Tuesdays, starting November 29, 2022. Please join at this link if you have a project that you would like to present or work on during project week or to find out about projects you can join.
During PW

Monday Jan 30th
- In person attendees can start setting up their computers and material, meeting with their teams and doing a last pass at the project pages from 9am (Las Palmas time) in the Working area.
- Remote attendees are encouraged to do the same on Discord if in a time zone that makes it possible.
Project presentations
- Start at 9am, EST (2pm in Las Palmas).
- Takes place in the main hall for in person attendees and is streamed on Zoom for remote attendees (same zoom link as for preparation meetings).
- Each team delegates a member to present their project in no more than 90 seconds using no other visual support than the project page on GitHub (no time to switch screen sharing).
Breakout sessions
- Start every day at 11am EST (4pm in Las Palmas)
- Streamed on Zoom (same link as for project presentation and preparation meetings)
Work in project teams
- Starts at 4am EST (9am in Las Palmas) on Monday
- Takes place in the Working area
- Extends throughout the week before and after breakout sessions (see calendar on the PW webpage)
- Communication between team members takes place on Discord, in the work area, or both depending on where the team members are located
- The CreateEvent function on Discord can be used to plan a meeting (and inform other PW attendees about it)
Project results presentation
- Friday 9am EST, 2pm in Las Palmas.
- Same format as for project presentation
How to add this calendar to your own?
Travel guide
Gran Canaria travel guide
Breakout sessions
Panel: clinical uses of 3D Slicer (Rudolf Bumm)
Developing and using anatomy atlases (Michael Halle and friends)
NCI Imaging Data Commons workshop/tutorial (Andrey Fedorov and IDC team)
What’s new in 3D Slicer Slides
Kaapana workshop (Markus Bujotzek and Kaapana team)
Categories based on project list of PW37, will be updated as we populate the list of projects.
Presenter (assumed based on order + confirmed status) in bold
Early birds
DATSCAN Viewer implementation in OHIF (Salim Kanoun, Alireza Sedghi, Celian Abadie, Sofien Sellamo) [??]
Cross study sychronizer for OHIF Crosshair (Salim Kanoun, Alireza Sedghi, Celian Abadie, Sofien Sellamo) [??]
PolySeg representations for OHIF Viewer Segmentations(Alireza Sedghi) Remote
VR/AR and Rendering
SlicerVR - Restore Interactions (Csaba Pintér, Simon Drouin, Andrey Titov, Lucas Gandel, Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin) [On site]
SlicerTMS (Loraine Franke, Jax Luo, Yogesh Rathi, Lipeng Ning, Steve Pieper, Daniel Haehn) [Remote]
ARinSlicer (Alicia Pose, Javier Pascau, Gabor Fichtinger, Andras Lasso…) [On site]
Map texture when importing OBJ file into Slicer (Chi Zhang, Steve Pieper, A. Murat Maga, Andras Lasso, Sara Rolfe) [Remote]
IGT and Training
Training system for US-guided lung interventions (Natalia Arteaga, David García, Javier González, Gara Ramos) [On site]
Fetal Ultrasound Simulation for Delivery Training (Felix von Haxthausen, David García, Tolga-Can Çallar, José Carlos Mateo) [On site]
Slicer Liver (Gabriella D’Albenzio, Ruoyan Meng, Geir A. Tangen, Ole V. Solberg, Rafael Palomar) [On site]
Slicer Maxillofacial Surgery (Miguel Ángel Rodriguez-Florido, Christian Buritica, Mauro Dominguez) [On site]
Slicer + IMSTK for low cost training setups (Sam Horvath, Kevin Cleary, Karun Sharma) [On site]
Open Source Technologies for the Development of Clinical Simulation Centers (Juan Ruiz, Miguel Angel Rodriguez-Florido, Idafen Santana, Mario Monzón, etc.) [On site]
Setting up medical imaging courses (Juan Ruiz, Idafen Santana, Mario Monzon) [On site]
Development of Anatomy Atlases and Training Tools with 3D Slicer (Juan Ruiz, Idafen Santana, Mario Monzón) [On site]
Integration of infrared, ultraviolet and hyperspectral sensors in Slicer via Plus Toolkit and OpenIGTLink. (Francisco J. Marcano Serrano) [On site]
Ibis in Slicer (Étienne Léger, Houssem Eddine Gueziri, Simon Drouinb) [On site]
Segmentation / Classification / Landmarking
Lung CT Segmentation and Analysis (Rudolf Bumm, Ron Kikinis, Raúl San José Estépar, Steve Pieper, Eserval Rocha jr., Andras Lasso, Curtis Lisle) [On site]
MONAI Label to MONAI bundle conversion (Deepa Krishnaswamy, Cosmin Ciausu, Nazim Haouchine, Andres Diaz-Pinto, Jesse Tetreault, Roya Hajavi, Stephen Aylward, Steve Pieper, Andrey Fedorov) [On site]
HOWTO: Using MONAI zoo bundle for prostate MRI cancer detection in IDC data (Cosmin Ciausu, Deepa Krishnaswamy, Patrick Remerscheid, Tina Kapur, Sandy Wells, Andrey Fedorov, Khaled Younis) [On site]
Multi-stage dental segmentation using MONAI Label (David García, Yucheng Tang, Andres Diaz, Daniel Palkovics, Csaba Pinter, Attila Nagy, Brianna Burton) [On site]
Real-time ultrasound AI segmentation using Tensorflow and PyTorch models (María Rosa Rodríguez, Tamas Ungi, David García, Chris Yeung) [On site]
AtlasYEB_Plugin_WEB_API (Sara Fdez Vidal,ICM) [On site]
Automatic multi-anatomical skull structure segmentation of cone-beam computed tomography scans using 3D UNETR(Luc Anchling et al) [Remote]
Automated Standardized Orientation for Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT)(Luc Anchling, Nathan Hutin, Maxime Gillot, Baptiste Baquero, Jonas Bianchi, Antonio Ruellas, Felicia Miranda, Selene Barone, Marcela Gurgel, Marilia Yatabe, Najla Al Turkestani, Hina Joshi, Lucia Cevidanes, Juan Prieto) [Remote]
Automatic Standardize Orientation IOS (Nathan Hutin, Luc Anchling, Marcela Gruge, Felicia Miranda, Najla Al Turkestani, Selene Barone, Lucia Cevidanes, Juan Prieto) [Remote]
Automatic Landmark Identification in Cranio-Facial CBCT (Luc Anchling, Nathan Hutin, Maxime Gillot, Baptiste Baquero, Jonas Bianchi, Marcela Gurgel, Najla Al Turkestani, Marilia Yatabe, Lucia Cevidanes, Juan Prieto) [Remote]
Automated Landmarking Support (Sara Rolfe, Chi Zang, Murat Maga, Steve Pieper, Andras Lasso) [??]
Quantification and Computation
Automatic Quantification 3D Components (Nathan Hutin, Luc Anchling, Baptiste Baquero, Maxime Gillot, Lucia Cevidanes, David Allemang, Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin) [Remote]
MeshComparison (Paolo Zaffino, Maria Francesca Spadea, Michela Destito, Amerigo Giudice) [On site]
Electrophysiological biosignals in 3D Slicer (Jordan Ortega Rodríguez, Gara Ramos) [On site]
Analytic Registration Verification (Gerry Gralton, Andy Huynh, Benjamin Zwick) [On site]
SlicerCBM (Benjamin Zwick, Saima Safdar, Andy Huynh, Gerry Gralton, Adam Wittek, Karol Miller) [On site]
Brain segmentation for Long COVID study(Zora Kikinis)[On site]
SlicerElastix: update elastix version (Simón Oxenford, Andras Lasso)[On site]
Cloud / Web
How-to setup and run 3D Slicer on an AWS server instance step by step (Rudolf Bumm, Steve Pieper, Gang Fu, Qing Liu) [On site]
MHub Integration (Leonard Nürnberg, Dennis Bontempi, Andrey Fedorov) [On site]
3DSlicerHub (Rafael Nebot, Paula Moreno, Juan Ruiz, Idafen Santana) [On site]
Kaapana related experiments/discussions/collaboratons (Andrey Fedorov, Marco Nolden, Hans Meine, Klaus Kades) [On site]
DICOM Meta-Dashboard (Hans Meine, Stefan Denner, Klaus Kades, Andrey Fedorov) [On site]
Connecting/Using Kaapana to Google Cloud/Google Health/Google FHIR (Jonas Scherer, Andrey Fedorov) [Remote]
Kaapana: Data and model exchange across different sources (Benjamin Hamm, Ünal Akünal, Markus Bujotzek, Klaus Kades, Andrey Fedorov) [On site]
Kaapana: Fast viewing and tagging of DICOM Images (Stefan Denner, Klaus Kades, Andrey Fedorov) [On site]
Kaapana: Integration of desktop apps (Hanno Gao, Klaus Kades, Andrey Fedorov) [On site]
Integration of clinical data into medical imaging pipelines (Philipp Schader, Andrey Fedorov) [On site]
FAIRification of medical imaging data and analysis tools (Marco Nolden, Andrey Fedorov) [On site]
Using VolView with images in Google Storage / IDC buckets (Andrey Fedorov, Forrest Li, Stephen Aylward) [On site]
IDC Introduction and Tutorial (Andrey Fedorov, Deepa Krishnaswamy, Cosmin Ciausu, Vamsi Thiriveedhi, Dennis Bontempi, Leonard Nuerenberg) [On site]
DICOM WSI: conversion, analysis workflow, accessing DICOM WSI in IDC (Maximilian Fischer, Andrey Fedorov, Marco Nolden, Philipp Schader, David Clunie, Daniela Schacherer, André Homeyer, Curtis Lisle) [On site]
ParameterNodeWrapper (Connor Bowley, Sam Horvath, David Allemang) [On site]
SlicerPipelines(Connor Bowley, Sam Horvath) [On site]
Transitioning 3D Slicer to QSS Styling (Sam Horvath, J-Christophe Fillion-Robin, Andras Lasso, Steve Pieper) [On site]
SystoleOS (Rafael Palomar, Steve Pieper) [On site]
3D Slicer Internationalization (Sonia Pujol, Steve Pieper, Andras Lasso, Mamadou Camara, Mouhamed DIOP, Adama Wade, Mohamed Alalli Bilal, Ahmedou Moulaye Idriss, Yahya Tfeil, Adriana H. Vilchis González, Luiz Otavio Murta Junior, Attila Tanács, Attila Nagy) [On site and online]
Active Viewport (Davide Punzo, Andras Lasso) [On site]
Visual DICOM browser (Davide Punzo, Andras Lasso) [On site]
Measurement Panel (Davide Punzo, Andras Lasso) [On site]
SlicerAstro Update (Davide Punzo, Thijs van der Hulst) [On site]
DICOM Segmentation Optimization (Steve Pieper, Andrey Fedorov, Andras Lasso, Marco Nolden, Hans Meine, Alireza Sedghi, Erik Ziegler, Markus Hermann, Chris Bridge, David Clunie) [On site]
Updating Batch Anonymizer (Hina Shah, Juan Carlos Prieto, Lucia Cevidanes) [Remote]
Do not add your name to this list below. It is maintained by the organizers based on your registration. Register here
List of registered participants so far (names will be added here after processing registrations):
- Rafael Palomar, Oslo University Hospital, Norway, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Csaba Pinter, EBATINCA, Spain, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Simon Drouin, École de technologie supérieure, Canada, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Tina Kapur, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA, (Online)
- Karol Miller, Intelligent Systems for Medicine Laboratory, The University of Western Australia, Australia, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Andy Huynh, University of Western Australia, Australia, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Sen Li, École de technologie supérieure, Canada, (Undecided)
- Paolo Zaffino, Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro, Italy, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Andrey Fedorov, BWH, USA, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Steve Pieper, Isomics, Inc., USA, (In-person, Confirmed)
- hans knutsson, Linköpings universitet, Sweden, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Sonia Pujol, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA, (Online)
- Ron Kikinis, Harvard Medical School, USA, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Carl-Fredrik Westin, Harvard Medical School, USA, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Katie Mastrogiacomo, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, USA, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Mamadou Samba CAMARA, Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar, Senegal, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Pape Mady THIAO, École militaire de santé de Dakar , Senegal, (In-person)
- Alexandra Golby, Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School, USA, (In-person)
- yahya tfeil tfeil, faculty of medicine , nouakchott university, Mauritania, (In-person)
- Javier Pascau, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Idafen Santana Perezz, ULPGC, Spain, (In-person, Confirmed)
- David García Mato, Ebatinca S.L., Spain, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Alicia Pose Díez de la Lastra, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Miguel Angel Rodriguez-Florido, Medical Tech and Audiovisual Research Group (GTMA) & Chair of Medical Technology (CTM), ULPGC, Spain, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Gabor FICHTINGER, Queen’s University, Canada, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Luděk Hynčík, University of West Bohemia, Czechia, (Online)
- Souleymane Diao, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Senegal, (Online)
- Mouhamed DIOP, Cheikh Anta DIOP University of Dakar, Senegal, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Gabriella d’ Albenzio, Oslo University Hospital, Norway, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Dwijkumar Mistry, 3D Surgical, India, (Online)
- Ruoyan Meng, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Ahmedou Moulaye IDRISS, Faculty of Medicine / Nouakchott Universty, Mauritania, (In-person)
- Francesca Spadea, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Rudolf Bumm, Kantonsspital Graubünden, Switzerland, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Raul San Jose, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, USA, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Kanoun Salim, Pixilib, France, (Undecided)
- Abadie Celian, Pixilib, France, (Undecided)
- Simon Oxenford, Charité , Germany, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Andre , IOC VET, Brazil, (Online)
- Felix von Haxthausen, Unversity of Lübeck, Germany, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Tamas Ungi, Queen’s University, Canada, (Online)
- Andres Diaz-Pinto, NVIDIA, UK, (Online)
- Michela Destito, University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro, Italy, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Attila Nagy, University of Szeged, Hungary, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Zachary Baum, University College London, UK, (Undecided)
- Jordan Ortega Rodríguez, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, Spain, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Pablo Rubén, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Yamilet Rivero López, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Joshua García Montagut, Grupo de investigación en fabricación integrada y avanzada (ULPGC), Spain, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Mario Monzón, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Rubén Paz, Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Ben Zwick, The University of Western Australia, Australia, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Gara Ramos, IAC, Spain, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Davide Punzo, Freelancer, France, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Michael Halle, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, USA, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Gerry Gralton, University of Western Australia, Australia, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Natalia Arteaga-Marrero, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) , Spain, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Davide Punzo, Freelancer, France, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Vamsi Krishna Thiriveedhi, Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH), USA, (Online)
- Lucia Cevidanes, University of Michigan, USA, (Online)
- Luc Anchling, University of Michigan, USA, (Online)
- Nathan Hutin, University of Michigan, USA, (Online)
- Sam Horvath, Kitware, USA, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Andrey Titov, École de technologie supérieure , Canada, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Kizzy Scott, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, USA, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Rafael Nebot Medina, Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias, Spain, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Paula Victoria, instituto Tecnológico de Canarias, Spain, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Alireza Sedghi, OHIF, Canada, (Online)
- Andrey Titov, École de technologie supérieure, Canada, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Sara Rolfe, Seattle Children’s Research Institute, USA, (Undecided)
- Geir Arne Tangen, SINTEF, Norway, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Yaying Shi, University of North Carolina, USA, (Online)
- Haythem Guermazi, Faculté de médecine de pharmacie et d’odonto-stomatologie de nouakchott, Mauritania, (In-person)
- Étienne Léger, Montreal Neurological Institute, Canada, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Theodore Aptekarev, Slicer Community, Montenegro, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Gang Fu, AWS, USA, (Online)
- Roya Khajavibajestani, BWH, USA, (Undecided)
- Ole Vegard Solberg, SINTEF, Norway, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Santhosh Parampottupadam, German Cancer Research Center, Germany, (In-person)
- Brianna Burton, 3D Side, Belgium, (Undecided)
- Cosmin Ciausu, Brigham and Women’s Hospital – Imaging Data Commons, USA, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Charles DeLorey, Boston University/Brigham and Women’s Hospital, USA, (Online)
- Marco Nolden, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Germany, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Fernandez Vidal, ICM, France, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Maria Sofia Sappia, Radboudumc, Netherlands, (Online)
- Yucheng Tang, Nvidia, USA, (Online)
- Chris Yeung, Queen’s University, Canada, (Online)
- Prodipta Guha, The University of Melbourne, Australia, (Online)
- Daniel Haehn, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA, (Online)
- Dennis Bontempi, BWH/AIM, USA, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Leonard Nürnberg, BWH / AIM, USA, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Loraine Franke, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA, (Online)
- Ami Hashemi, MGH/HMS, USA, (Online)
- Piotr Woznicki, University of Würzburg, Germany, (Online)
- Andras Lasso, Queen’s University, Canada, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Connor Bowley, Kitware, Inc, USA, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Rafe McBeth, University of Pennsylvania, USA, (Undecided)
- Linmin Pei, Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research, USA, (Online)
- William Wells, BHW, USA, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Sara Fernandez Vidal, ICM, France, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Sara Fernandez Vidal, Paris Brain Institute, ICM, France, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Zora Kikinis, Mass General Brigham , Boston, USA, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Fidèle AGOSSOU, LEMACEN , Benin, (Online)
- Jeremiah Richard, Augius LTD, UK, (Online)
- Deepa Krishnaswamy, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, USA, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Hans Meine, Fraunhofer MEVIS, Germany, (In-person, Confirmed)
- MARTA LATORRE MIGUEZ, ULPG, Spain, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Attila Tanács, University of Szeged, Hungary, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Pablo Sergio Castellano Rodríguez, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Andrea Mihaly, ULPGC, Spain, (In-person, Confirmed)
- María Rosa Rodríguez Luque, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria , Spain, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Jose Carlos Mateo Pérez, ULPGC, Spain, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Nikolaos Makris, Massachusetts General Hospital, USA, (In-person)
- Aday Melián Carrillo, ULPGC - GTMA, Spain, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Marta Kersten, Concordia University, Canada, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Connor Bowley, Kitware, Inc., USA, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Nicole Delgado, Booz Allen Hamilton, USA, (Online)
- Brandon Konkel, Booz Allen Hamilton, USA, (Online)
- Hanno Gao, DKFZ, Germany, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Robabeh Salehiozoumchelouei, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), Spain, (Online)
- Nayra Pumar, Ebatinca, Spain, (Undecided)
- Stefan Denner, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Germany, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Ünal Akünal, German Cancer Research Institute (DKFZ), Germany, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Benjamin Hamm, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Germany, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Klaus Kades, German Cancer Research Center, Germany, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Umang Pandey, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), Madrid, Spain, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Yogesh Rathi, Harvard Medical School, USA, (In-person)
- Trinity Urban, Clario, USA, (Online)
- Francisco J. Marcano Serrano, Universidad de La Laguna, Spain, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Philipp Schader, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) Heidelberg, Germany, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Ralf Floca, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Germany, (Online)
- Carlo Rondinoni, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, (Online)
- Adriana H. Vilchis González, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Mexico, (Online)
- Juan Carlos Avila Vilchis, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Mexico, (Online)
- Carley Tillett, Curtin University, Australia, (Online)
- Rebeca Villarroel Ramírez, Universidad de la Laguna, Spain, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Luiz Murta, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, (Online)
- Alberto Cuadrado Hernández, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Álvaro Navarro González , University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria , Spain, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Markus Bujotzek, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) Heidelberg, Germany, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Gauthier DOT, AP-HP, France, (Online)
- Elanchezhian Somasundaram, Cincinnati Children’s, USA, (Online)
- Chi Zhang, Seattle Children’s Research Institute, USA, (Online)
- RODRIGO BASILIO, Radical Imaging , Brazil, (Online)
- Saeed Arbabi, University Medical Center Utrecht, Netherlands, (Undecided)
- Maximilian Fischer, German Cancer Research Center DKFZ, Germany, (Undecided)
- Kyle Sunderland, Queen’s University, Canada, (Online)
- Ghulam Rasool, Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute , USA, (Online)
- Suraj Pai, AIM, Brigham and Womens Hospital, USA, (Online)
- Ibrahim Hadzic, Mass General Brigham, Harvard Medical School, Maastricht University, USA, (Online)
- Diana Alejandra Mendoza Mora , Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México , Mexico, (Online)
- Li-Wei Yang, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, (Online)
- Maica Fernández, ULPGC, Spain, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Allen Tannenbaum, Stony Brook University, USA, (Online)
- Marina Elistratova Elistratova, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Nadya Shusharina, Massachusetts General Hospital, USA, (Online)
- Tamas Heffter , N/A, Hungary, (Online)
- Khaled Younis, Philips, USA, (Online)
- Rebecca Hisey, Queen’s University, Canada, (Online)
- Pedro Moreira, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, USA, (Online)
- Jakob Wasserthal, University Hospital Basel, Switzerland, (In-person)
- Glauco Caurin, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, (Online)
- Eserval Rocha Junior, Sao Paulo University, Brazil, (Online)
- Djennifer Madzia-Madzou , Utrecht Medical Centre, Netherlands, (Online)
- Rahul Kumar, Oslo University Hospital, Norway, (Online)
- Mohamed Alalli BILAL, Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, Senegal, (Online)
- Fryderyk Kögl, Technical University of Munich, Germany, (Online)
- Carine Cindy Nguefack Tonleu, Ecole de Technologie Supérieure, Canada, (Online)
- Tamas Ungi, Queen’s University, Canada, (Online)
- Javier González-Fernández, Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias, Spain, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Maximilian Fischer, German Cancer Research Center DKFZ, Germany, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Daniela Schacherer, Fraunhofer MEVIS, Germany, (Online)
- Jenna Kim, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA, (Online)
- Kiran Sandilya , University of Massachusetts Boston, USA, (Online)
- Kunal Jain, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA, (Online)
- Mahsa Geshvadi, UMass Boston, USA, (Online)
- Daniel Palkovics, Semmelweis University, Hungary, (Online)
- Keno Bressem, Brigham and Womens Hospital, USA, (Online)
- Nielsen , Selfim, Brazil, (Online)
- VIANNEY MUNOZ-JIMENEZ, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México , Mexico, (Online)
- Papa Alioune Cisse , Universidad Assane Seck de Ziguinchor , Senegal, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Youssou Faye, Universidad Assane Seck de Ziguinchor , Senegal, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Ousmane Dia , Ministerio de salud, Senegal, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Ablaye Tacko Diop , Hospital Fann de Dakar , Senegal, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Oumar Kane , Hospital Fann de Dakar , Senegal, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Idy Diop, Universidad Cheikh Anta Diop , Senegal, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Adama Faye , Universidad Cheikh Anta Diop , Senegal, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Christine Sokhna Thiandoum, Universidad Cheikh Anta Diop , Senegal, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Babacar Diao , Hospital Militar de Ouakam Dakar, Senegal, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Magatte Gaye , Hospital General Idrissa Pouye Dakar, Senegal, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Charles Dieme , Hospital Aristide Le Dantec Dakar, Senegal, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Sidi El Wafi Sid El Wavi, Universidad de Nouakchott Al Aasriya , Mauritania, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Mohamed Vadel Deida , Universidad de Nouakchott Al Aasriya , Mauritania, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Cheikh Sidi Ethmane Kane , Universidad de Nouakchott Al Aasriya , Mauritania, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Aliou Barry , Universidad de Nouakchott Al Aasriya , Mauritania, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Fatimetou Mohamed Saleck , Universidad de Nouakchott Al Aasriya , Mauritania, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Mouhamedi Bah, Escuela De Salud Pública de Rosso, Mauritania, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Ahmed Dhahara Kane , Universidad de Nouakchott Al Aasriya , Mauritania, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Joaquin Olivares, Universidad de Córdoba, Spain, (Online)
- Mauro Ignacio Dominguez, Independent, Argentina, (Online)
- Jonas Scherer, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Germany, (Online)
- Curtis Lisle, KnowledgeVis, LLC, USA, (Online)
- Bartosz Włodarczyk, Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology, Poland, (Online)
- Alexandru Dorobanțiu, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania, (Online)
- Zdravko Marinov, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, (Online)
- Juan de León Luis, Hospital Gregorio Marañón, Spain, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Houssem Gueziri, MNI / McGill University , Canada, (Online)
- Ulrike Wagner, Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research, USA, (Online)
- Heather Selby, Stanford, USA, (Online)
- Osku Sundqvist, Planmeca Oy, Finland, (Online)
- Daniel Fernández, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Mexico, (Online)
- Artur Banach, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, USA, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Valeria Gómez Valdes , Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Mexico, (Online)
- Abigail Mercado Ponciano, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Mexico, (Online)
- B. Natterson-Horowitz, UCLA and Harvard, USA, (Online)
- Ron Alkalay, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, USA, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Varun Agarwal, Rohilkhand Medical College, India, (Online)
- Christopher Bridge, Massachusetts General Hospital, USA, (Online)
- Marie Ndiaye, Universidad Assane Seck de Ziguinchor , Senegal, (In-person)
- Mame Diarra SY , Universidad Assane Seck de Ziguinchor , Senegal, (In-person)
- Mame Abdoulaye Gueye, Hospital Fann de Dakar - Ministerio de la Salud , Senegal, (In-person)
- Ndeye Mareme Sougou, Universidad Cheikh Anta Diop , Senegal, (In-person)
- Khedijetou Vilaly , Hospital Mère Enfant de Nouakchott , Mauritania, (In-person)
- Edmee Clemence Mansilla, Ministerio de Enseñanza técnica, formación Profesional y Aprendizaje, Côte d’Ivoire, (In-person)
- Estelle Tcheple Tuo, Ministerio de Enseñanza técnica, formación Profesional y Aprendizaje, Côte d’Ivoire, (In-person)
- Delphine Bella Epse Konan, Centro de Formación Profesional Socio-Sanitaria Agboville, Côte d’Ivoire, (In-person)
- Paul E. Neumann, Dalhousie University, Canada, (Online)
- Hina Shah, UNC Chapel Hill, USA, (Online)
- Badiaa AIT AHMED, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, (Online)
- Celestino Lopes De Barro, Universidad de Cabo Verde, Cabo Verde, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Mateus Neves Andrade, Universidad de Cabo Verde, Cabo Verde, (In-person)
- José Olavo Da Paz Teixeira, Universidad de Cabo Verde, Cabo Verde, (In-person, Confirmed)
- Hagi Anderson Lima Lopes, Universidad de Cabo Verde, Cabo Verde, (In-person)
- Tolga-Can Çallar, Institue for Robotics and Cognitive Systems (University of Lübeck), Germany, (Online)
- Gabriel Kwiecinski Antunes, WebKriativa, Brazil, (Online)
- Francisco Guerrero Aranda, Student University of Granada - Spain, Spain, (Online)
- David Emanuel Luksic, LARALAB, Germany, (Online)
- Nicola Martini, Yunu Inc., Italy, (Online)
- Tamu Tsinesh, Ukh, Germany, (Online)
- Eduardo Fares , University of São Paulo , Brazil, (Online)
- Reihaneh Teimouri, Concordia, Canada, (Online)
- Eduardo Fares, University of São Paulo, Brazil, (Online)
- Keyvan Farahani, National Cancer Institute, USA, (Online)
- David Molony, Georgia Heart Institute, USA, (Online)
- Juan Carlos Avila Vilchis, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Mexico, (Online)
- David Molony, Georgia Heart Institute, USA, (Online)
- Hui Liu, Shanghai 6th Hospital, China, (Online)
- Dan Rukas, Mass General Hospital, USA, (Online)
- Laura Connolly , Queens university , Canada, (Online)
- Sonia Pujol, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA, (Online)

Local organizing committee
Juan Ruiz-Alzola, PhD, Professor of Imaging Technologies, director of the Grupo de Tecnología Médica y Audiovisual (GTMA), Instituto Universitario de Investigaciones Biomédicas y Sanitarias (IUIBS), Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC)
Idafen Santana-Pérez, PhD, Project Manager and Research Fellow at Grupo de Tecnología Médica y Audiovisual (GTMA), Instituto Universitario de Investigaciones Biomédicas y Sanitarias (IUIBS), Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC)
Global Project Week organizing committee
Please read about our experience in running these events since 2005: Increasing the Impact of Medical Image Computing Using
Community-Based Open-Access Hackathons: the NA-MIC and 3D Slicer Experience.